My Dear Best Friend,
As we mark the beginning of 2011, the realization dawned on me how incosiderate I have been to you. You have always been faithful to me. For all the blunders I committed your stood up for me. Many times you took the hit for all the mistakes I made. The wrong decisions that I made or the right ones that I didn't affected you but you never complained.
Despite all this I never gave you credit. Not once did I stop and acknowledge that you are a great friend to have. (THE ONLY One that will be with me always). You are as important to me as my identity.
There have been many times when I have made attempts to work on our relationship - outwardly. But I never strived to understand the inner deeper need and never tried to work with you.
As I realize this that you have been there for me suddenly I feel sad and responsible for all the damage in our relationship, for all the negative comments that I passed on you, for being so brash and unkind to you and inturn to myself.
My New Year Realization/ Resolution is to accept YOU with unconditional love and work towards healing our relationship from within.
This will take time and is tough since I have been conditioned to give criticism and negative feedback since years. I will need your love and support to change this as I change many other things to ensure we have a wonderful happy lifelong friendship.
Thanks for always being there with me.
I love you my dear best friend....
Dear Readers,
Each one us has a friend like this. Am not sure if this is the treatment you put them through - but give it a thought. That friends still stays with you and rises to your demands... still wondering who this is .....
YOUR BODY - Learn to LOVE and ACCEPT it.
1 comment:
You're right Uma.. Acceptance is the first step for everything kada! Welcome back to blogorama :)
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