Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The dreaded R word

The whole world seems to be in a frenzy.. markets are dipping, investors are all ill due to the way the stock market is fluctuating. There is no job security, a lot of uncertainty in life - to the degree of how do we pay our bills for the next month. - RECESSION is the forbidden word like the Apple that ruined utopia.

Somewhere i feel this was a known fact. We saw it coming but chose to ignore it. When the going is all hunky dory we refused to acknowledge the fact that there is a balance that will force us to see a trough that follows this crest. We had got so used to Up-swing that we just forgot that there is a virtue called PRUDENCE. Somewhere in the convenience of a job that pays handsomely we forgot that there will be a rainy day.

A person who is in our situation 20 years back would have liked to save and make use of the money better. Most of our generation however, pledged our current and future earnings in EMI, got better homes, cars, gadgets but forgot about getting a better security fund. Why do we need one - when we have jobs like these was our rationale.. we only didn't think what if we don't have this job. I don't mean to hint that there is any impending danger to my current employment, however the market situation is so bad and when i see some of my friends affected it pains me.

I am not a lifestyle addict atleast not completely. I have had my own reservations about spending beyond capacity. However I still see a slight strain when it comes to spending like earlier. I see the need to exercise caution and spend carefully. I see value in the virtue of caution when it comes to Vitamin M.

I also feel this is a good time to foster relationships and spend more quality time with family. If we notice, the best things in life are actually free - spending quality time with my kid or spouse, meditating or exercising for relaxation, watching a movie at home together and many more such things.

All said and done - i would like to wake up at least now and be cautious, spend judiciously and save for the future. Have a discussion with my husband and draw up a financial plan, ensure that we spend cautiously. And like someone told me..

If you were to earn 1 Lakh every month for 20 years and save nothing OR if you were to earn 10 thousand every month and save 3 thousand - which is better?

Have an optimistic approach to live and a pessimistic approach to spending. Happy Planning ahead.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Year 2009 - New Beginnings

Hmm.... the year 2009 is unique. I have a ton of resolutions .... some of them being

To loose weight (this has been around for a couple of years now) - this time though i want to get serious. I have seen a bunch of people who have done something about it - i know its about a lifestyle change and calorie deficit etc.. if anyone were to ask me - trust me i would have more info than any other lean being on the face of this earth but what is more required is probably the lack of one P and the presence of the other P .. i mean lack of Procrastination and presence of Persistence.

To learn how to drive - i know this has been a killer - for someone as independent as me to be tied due to lack of this skill is really really nerve wrecking sometimes.. am trying to come to terms with all the idiots on the road while i try to be one of them.

To be more patient with my kid - lest i become a patient due to anxiety/ depression. Also another thing i noticed - my kiddo never gets annoyed when i shout at him - or when i object.. he just seems to know how not to listen. I think i will find alternatives to the regular parenting routines or make peace with his style of playing which actually means bringing the house down.

Finally to blog more regularly - this is one vent i have which provides me a chance to de-stress and also to visit my own state of mind after a period of time. This is my own personal diary albeit a little less private and more privy to the world.

Hoping that this year turns out to be really special and with several new beginnings and as always i believe that the Year 2009 will be Unique - like all other years that went by.

Have a Happy New Year 2009