Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year - 2008

Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year as you leave the old and bring in the new...

Hope this new year comes to you with a whole lot of opportunities and joyous moments.

And also a lot of sweet memories and your share of new year resolutions :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Year that's Gone By.. Bye and Bye

Hmm.. to think that time flies - at the speed of Sound or Light perhaps..

It was just as if we had celebrated the new year's eve and i am ready for the coming one.

This year has certainly been challenging in its own ways and all of us have had our share of learnings and Unlearnings as well.

As the new year comes we have dreams and hopes and also plans for ourselves and our loved ones.

My resolution list is really almost ready (to be broken one after another :P)

But really what are New Year's resolutions for and what do they signify.. why do we resolve to change and for whom..

I realized that i have stuck to only those resolutions that were for me. Anything that i resolved to do for others (even if it were my spouse) just went out of the window on the following week after the New Year Party.

So this year my resolution list is the set of things that i WANT to do for myself...

even if its as simple (and silly) as reading one Archie comic every week... i will then do it because i wanted to do it.

And that has me free feeling liberated and not forced to have any unwanted resolutions....

It sure is going to be a great year ahead for me.

Season's Greetings & Happy New Year 2008 to one and all

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Now its all about Thinking and Thunking

Talk of variety and how can this be far behind...

i sort of didn't like my blog's name as much as i liked it a week ago...

So i changed it to a new one..... change u see and the power to change...

I promise that this time i wont change this one (***Hopefully***)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Shopping - What's the Funda..........

After a day of shopping and destressing.. I tried reasoning with myself .........

Why do i love shopping? Why is it such a Stress Buster for me and other Women in general?

Then i figured out the basic reason why -

Women love variety

Unlike men who are bound by lack of choice (in general) we have tonnes of choices to make whether it be clothes, shoes, watches, bags, accessories and a whole lot of other stuff - definitely more than the choice the Mars inhabitants have.

Blessed to be born women - we have a myraid of choises to choose from and we are also matched with a very short "Span of Fascination" if i may call it so.

Typically any thing that a guy yearns for will keep him happy and excited for atleast 2-3 months, however a woman will be fascinated by the thing of her choice for a couple of weeks or in some cases couple of days and in sadder cases couple of hours.

Shopping therefore gives Women a sense of power to choose and change at their will and wish.

There are things they can't change like their looks , frame of body, situations in life and so on.. and there are things they wouldn't want to change (hopefully) like their spouse..

and for all else there is Shopping :D

Friday, December 7, 2007

Veni Vidi Vici - I Read I Thought I Blog

The modern day version of Veni Vedi Vici - that's what this is.

In an era of super busy lifestyles and also great pressures.. i found myself talking to myself about a whole lot of things (in whole and parts).

That's when I READ a friend's blog and that set me thinking.

I THOUGHT for a couple of months..

unlike the impulsive bloggers i was thinking do i want to do this or is it going to take more time than i already have(Serious concern here)...

But, then finally i decided to BLOG...

And so this is first of a blog by a person who is filled with thoughts....

And that's why i decided to call it "Fill-O-Sophy" call it creativity or lack of it... but probably its just like me and my personality

Sounds the same but essentially different....

Here begins the journey of self expression .. looking forward to it being a very ful "filling" experience.. :-D