Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Dental Dilema

After a lot of thought and deliberation i had to make the unavoidable trip to the Dentist. I was not sure why i was going there.. i mean my teeth were just aching a little (very little) when i had cold or hot water but that didn't deter my husband from making the most of this opportunity.

Man, how could he miss the chance to see me cringe at the site of the dentist. And then he promised me he would take me to this best place in the town. We took an appointment for a Saturday, I entrusted my son to my mom for the whole day (you can never trust these dentists and their treatments). A little surprisingly though i got a remainder call for my appointment on Friday - you are not allowed to forget your miseries seemed to be their motto.

I went ahead of time ( thanks to my husband's time sense) and then we were asked to wait for a while. The there was this lanky-panky looking tall guy in one coat who came over and examined my teeth and told me not to worry - just a toothpaste would do.

PHEW.. what a relief - i thought.

BUT he began - both your wisdom teeth are likely to be a problem very soon so we must extract them as soon as possible. I looked at my husband, he was amused and entertained and doubtful all together. I could read his mind. Amused because finally the dentist was not letting me go without any treatment. Entertained because this irritated me to no end.

Doubtful, coz he was wondering why all the wisdom i had only manifested itself in my teeth and not elsewhere.

The he gave me an appointment for the next week, but i got cold and fever during that time so i am successfully postponing the much warranted trip for "Tooth extraction".

Someone just said
"There are 2 Types of problems - Physical and Mental, but one that is both is DENTAL"

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Spirit of Festivals

This is the holiday season and there is a lot of festivity in and around us. I was just thrown this question by a colleague of mine who lives in the other part of the world
So, What do you do for this festival - DIWALI ?

Well that's when i told him we prepare sweets, decorate the house and then in the evening we do some prayer and then light crackers and fireworks - its all a fun festival.

That set me wondering - how much of this i actually do - in the right spirit - not much really. So this year I decided to do something on the lines of my proclamation to make it a festival. I went to the old city and shopped and got some trinkets. I also got "Marigold Flowers" and bunches of Mango Leaves.

One day before the festival in the evening - I decorated my house entrance with these flowers and the leaves. A dramatic effect indeed to see the deep orange with the mango green. I went and did this to the entrance of my Prayer Room as well. I had got trinkets to hang on my main door and there they went with bells and mirrors.

All this rubbed on I guess. My husband who had got some lights 2 years back and never used them - fixed those lights and set them up in my balcony. I had also got some Diya shaped lights and they also were arranged - mind you i didn't even have to ask him to do it.

On the day of the festival around 5:00 PM in the evening, I washed the approach steps and the entrance to my apartment and put rangoli all over the place from the stairs till my entrance door. All in all it was fun and I suddenly felt good and my home looked and felt like a new bride :-).

Every year I burnt crackers, but this year I had done much more - I felt much more festive thanks to the effort. I realized that festivity comes from within. We must want to make it special for ourselves else all customs and traditions that were meant to be fun will become mundane. I have also kind of decided to make efforts to give that special touch to all such days going forward.

I have realized that festivals are not merely a reason to get a holiday or to listen to some story that had happened eons ago. It's actually an opportunity to feel fresh, to do something different, to be creative, to come out of the routine and to actually experience the spirit of the festival and to celebrate it in totality.

SO, look within yourself and rediscover your festive spirit, whatever time of the year it is and whatever festival be it , it becomes much more fun and interesting if you take the interest to live it with zeal and do that something special. It also gives you a chance to get out of the routine and feel special in small little ways. So folks up your festive quotient and enjoy the season of festivals.

Happy Holiday season to all of you and Season's greetings.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wishing for Affluence..

I am human - and since i am a normal human being there are those moments in life when something happens - a Benz or BMW zooms past , i see one of the most good looking heroines looking like that forever, some beautiful jewellery that is beyond my means and many more such insignificant incidents that actually scream out "It's Money Honey!!!" and make me wish i were richer, followed by a pang of guilt which comes after the momentary dreamy state.

These moments happen to every human being i guess. The times when u wish that something magical happens and life transforms into a totally new world. The current constraints seize to exist and there is new found freedom.

The reason why we probably wish for such miracles is because we actually wish to be free from limitations. The human mind seeks liberation. We have created these boundaries ourselves. To have a working couple automatically translates into having more loan taking and repaying capacity. We have lost the basic wisdom of "A penny saved is a penny earned".

Today something happened that made me wish for affluence and i felt truly justified wishing for it. A friend of mine and her husband have been running an NGO for about 10+ years now and after seeing the purpose of it i found a purpose for myself. For once i wished with all my heart that i am affluent enough to be able to help this organization with much more than what i am currently capable of.

And somehow while wishing for wealth at that moment i felt more happy than guilty. I felt liberated rather than limited while wishing for affluence to help this cause. This in itself was a big eyeopener for me.

Take a look at the site that i am mentioning :
Spend some time on this site, and lend a hand if you feel like. There is no compulsion but i thought i could share the purpose of my feeling purposeful in life :) and it might help some else find a valid reason to "Wish for Affluence and Abundance".

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Kids these days.....

Talk to any parent of the current gen and they will tell you that Kids these days are beyond Comprehension. Super fast, too much , too intelligent are some of the adjectives to this proverbially developing population called our next generation.

At a point like this i was tempted to compare my childhood with that of my kid's. They have schools that don't stress on academics alone and want the child to have overall development. They have parents who want them to go to schools like those. My parents put me in a school because it was close to my house and was good enough like all other schools. Not once do i think my Mom or Dad asked the school what was "Their Philosophy". I'm sure they wanted the best for us but i guess the definition of Best just morphosed into something else over the years.

They are surrounded by luxury. A ton of gadgets that we got familiarized with during our 20 somethings are there for them to use or throw when they are not even 4 something. Desktops, laptops, palmtops, mobile phones and so much more. Did someone just coin a term "Born with Multiple Golden Spoons".

But like all other things in life there is a flip side to this. The kids of today have all the luxuries but are wanting on Time from their parents. I as a mom feel guilty several times of not being able to spend enough time with my 3 ish old son, who is a bundle of abundant energy. But, i manage to take time off and spend time with him, to feel connected to him and to have a meaningful conversation with him.

I have made a personal choice to leave my home dusty, my food uncooked - ordered from outside just so that i can spend that time with my son trying to figure out if the gun he is drawing needs to have a bigger nozzle or not. During all my interactions i realize that there is much more information that they internalize. So if its playing with the X-box or practicing Phonetics at the age of 3 my son does have his share of fun and fight. Then there are friends with names like Akarsh, Mayukha, Mrinmayee, Kaivalya, Akashith - a challenge in itself. My friends names were much Simpler.

Their childhood is more challenging than our childhood. But all in all they are all set to take it with the same Gusto that we took up ours. So maybe that's how the equation gets balanced. Along with luxury comes more responsibility and a more complex world.

As parents we can help them Hope for the best while they have the strength to prepare for the worst. We must try and give them the wisdom to differentiate between a want and a need and instill those necessary human values that will form the pillars for their charachter.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Guess What I saw today !!!!!!

On a busy Monday Morning like this especially after a long weekend - this is the time when things like these happen i guess. So while i was too busy pushing myself to get to work that's when i saw It.......

and when i saw it, it seemed as if everything around stopped, it had been really really long since i had seen it. It was as if i had forgotten about it's existence. Our relationship had been severed due to circumstances. This encounter had really stirred up a lot of memories.. from the past.. fond ones.. not so fond ones.. sad ones and many more like these..

Now before you start drawing conclusions - what i saw was a "Post Box".

Thanks to Internet and email, life has become much more easier but it has also somewhere lost the human touch to communication. I still have letters from my friend of school who went away to Vijaywada to do her engineering and its full of stories - trials and tribulations and the respect that you discover you had for you parents.

Then there is this cousin of mine who loves drawing cartoons, his letters were like a monthly Archie's comic for me. Now we hardly really talk - except for the customary courteous exchanges, thanks to email, chat and of course social networking sites.

The most dreaded moments were those when the postman got my marks home in a postcard. I remember vowing to kill that person who had this brilliant idea in school to increase parent teacher interaction. I can bet all other kids felt the same too.

There were those days when i was new to the computer and my granny had no idea what it was. I used to type the letter in a language conversion software - type in English and it writes in Telugu and then i would print that out and post it to my granny.

All that and much more has been eliminated by the email. Now when we read an email we try to read in between, beneath and over and above the mail to figure out what the person is saying. Its personal but still very impersonating.

And that's why i had a bout of nostalgia when i saw my dear friend - "The Postbox".

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My dose of Motivation

Aug 05 2008 - Yesterday - A memorable day of my life..

I had the good fortune of meeting Ms. Kiran Bedi. Seeing her in person and having a chance to have heard her speech - truly inspiring.

Also had a chance to see and listen to Mr. Subroto Bagchi (the brain behind Mindtree consulting). One of the finest and most inspiring speeches i have ever heard till date.

As a retrospective i am now thinking about life in general, and my aspirations towards it in particular. How i can improve over myself. What drives me? what are my passions and so on.

It has truly been a "Self Discovery" exercise from then on and i am sure it will continue to be one. Somewhere in the recent past i have decided to define success for myself.

Success as i see it not as per the society's norms, also not as what my peers see it , sometimes not even as my spouse sees it - Simply as I see it.

Because towards the end it's Me that matters the most. I am back with a new zeal , that will ensure that i become a better person.

Come to think of it - i have realized that all of us are unique and this is really important. So when we want to be better we can only be better than our current selves.

On a closing note - i am quoting what i heard from the leadership of my company..

"Aspire to become what your 5 year old thinks you are."

PS: If you don't have a 5 year old then consider your mom / granny or whoever thinks you are a Super Star...

Wishing you all a Very Happy Journey on the path of Self Discovery...........

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Me back Blogging again :)

So really,

I have been off from this blogging for a while now. It seems that i have an On now Off now relationship with this habit.

But i'm ok because i seem to be blogging for myself... this is my vent to creativity.

So here i am back again :) blogging off to joy for now..