Friday, December 7, 2007

Veni Vidi Vici - I Read I Thought I Blog

The modern day version of Veni Vedi Vici - that's what this is.

In an era of super busy lifestyles and also great pressures.. i found myself talking to myself about a whole lot of things (in whole and parts).

That's when I READ a friend's blog and that set me thinking.

I THOUGHT for a couple of months..

unlike the impulsive bloggers i was thinking do i want to do this or is it going to take more time than i already have(Serious concern here)...

But, then finally i decided to BLOG...

And so this is first of a blog by a person who is filled with thoughts....

And that's why i decided to call it "Fill-O-Sophy" call it creativity or lack of it... but probably its just like me and my personality

Sounds the same but essentially different....

Here begins the journey of self expression .. looking forward to it being a very ful "filling" experience.. :-D


Swathi said...

All the best Uma..would watch out ur thoughts in ur blog which u have started out with a cute intro! Hope our thoughts will match!!

Uma Duddu said...

Thanks swathi... for the very first comment - and a very memorably optimistic one...