This is probably one of those periods of my life when I am knowing things about myself that are very contradictory to what I always thought I was. The period of self discovery as I might call it. It also brings with it a realization that we all change. And that's probably why something that was really good for me 10 years ago is hopeless for the same me right now, OR "Is it the SAME ME at all" is the question.
OK so before you dismiss my ramblings as nonsense here's the find that made me go this road. I have had some chances to observe myself in the recent past - some traits of me that are non-mutable. They will never change I guess. But others that have changed - for e.g. I loved studying. I was accredited with studying as a disease by one of my irate cousins. But now I realized I don't enjoy it soo much. I still love reading but that's for pleasure rather than the academic part of it. I might want to categorize this as Signs of old age maybe or even Signs of familial responsibilities. Whatever I brand it - I have changed and this realization came to me really recently.
Also I am not a movie buff - never was - but I also hated and resisted approaching the Idiot Box. But in the recent past I found myself not only tolerating it but also enjoying this. Surprised - absolutely but what brought this change - no idea, definitely not the quality of programmes that can start with some soap or a reality show in a jungle to some item girl getting hooked on national television.
These are just the periphery of the changes that have been happening in the Internal topography of mine. Will post as I discover, but am I even discovering something as I post this - am not sure.
C'ya till next time...
Be happy, Stay happy and keep discovering yourself :)